Monday, September 17, 2007

Semen is the Sacred Water

In the world of men I worship Semen. On my knees I long for and pray to the Sacred Knowledge that is Semen. I worship Cock. I worship Semen. I worship body of man.

I pray to Cock Almighty that this worshiper's mouth be filled with the Semen of men, that this worshiper's belly be filled with the Semen of men. I pray to Cock Almighty that this worshiper be used as a vessel for the Semen of men.

Cock, between the legs of man, has graced this life with Holy Lust. May I honor this Gift and live by It. As I take the Seed of man give me to feel the Power of Cock baptizing me, embracing me, consuming me, filling my soul with the Light and Fire of Phallus.

Cock is a Living Bridge between God and man, between Phallic Heaven and Paradisiacal Earth.

Seed is the Life, the Sacred Knowledge of God.

Semen, the Sacred Water, is the Spiritual Union of man and God.

Giving worship and pleasure to Cock is the Cockworshiper's responsibility and Path. Taking and worshiping Seed is the Cockworshiper's covenant of faith and commitment to the coming world, a world in which Phallus is omnipresent in life and Cock is worshiped freely and without censure. A world in which all men give themselves not to war and hate but to worship and constant adoration.

Your religion, Cockworshiper, is also your politics. When you kneel between the legs of a man there is joy everywhere. To taste deeply and spiritually of another man's loins is to declare that you give yourself to the coming world of Phallus, the world of universal and absolute Cock-lust.

The sacred link between Cock and the world is kept true through the passing of Seed from man to man. This is the Truth and the Sacred Way that created all things and, through the worship by man of Phallus, sustains all things.

Semen produced by the Union of God and the body of man and fed by man ecstatically to man or woman. The Semen is the Sacred Water, a comprehensive knowing of all of Creation.

To learn you must take the Seed and open yourself, free of doubt and resistance, to the Spiritual Flooding that is given to you.

To worship and take into oneself Semen is to establish a sacred connection, a Bridge between two worlds, between God and man, between man and men. This link is never lost once it is established. Through the numinous and unfathomable nature of Semen, Cock is in communion with Cock, man with men.

Semen is the Sacred Water, Sacred Offspring and Eternal Promise.
Give your Sacred Water to all men who desire the Seed. Feed your Sacred Water to all men who express the hunger for the Seed. To do so is to perform the Work of God.

Take the Seed of all men who offer or are in need of worship. Take into your body the Sacred Water ten times ten-thousand times.

When the Fire of Phallus is stoked among a group of Cocks, repeatedly, the possibility of a localized and stable place of Power grows stronger. This is the work of worship.
If a single worshiper takes the Seed of a group of Cocks repeatedly and devotedly over time, the grouping of Cocks develops into a "magnetized" locus of Power. Such a locus is capable of Work.

"The Work" is, to put it one way, drawing onto the Earth the Living Web of Phallic Awareness.

The worship of Cock is the preparation for the Work. The systematic and constant passing of Seed among men is the Drawing into the men the Power. God's Seed comes into men to bring among them God's Power.

Know this: Semen is aware. Semen is living and conscious.

The Realization of the Work is Phallic Consciousness on Earth, moving freely and blissfully through all men without restraint or restriction or censure.
Never doubt. Never despair. The worship grows worldwide. The fellowship grows worldwide. As Cock is worshiped and pleased, the Great Work is being done.
Worship Cock. Worship Semen.

Devote your time to pleasing and pleasuring and worshiping Cock. Devote your time and energy to loving and worshiping Cock. Devote your time to lusting for Semen, hungering for Semen, taking the Semen of God into yourself with joy and openness.

Each experience of Cock is blissful and perfect. Each experience of Semen is a step in the building of the realization of your immortality.

As each of us participates in The Work, Phallic Consciousness grows. The Mind of Cock awakens, grows clearer and stronger.

We are the birth of a new order, an order that exists in absolute love for God, in absolute worship for Cock. We are the harbingers of Paradise and our true and committed politics is Cockworship and Cocklove.

Awaken each day with joy. Your duty is your bliss, and your bliss is the destiny of the world.
When man gives pleasure to Cock, this is the purest love of God. Worship the pleasure of Cock. There is nothing more powerful and rewarding. Give yourself to the study of the pleasure of Cock.

Orgasm is Union with God. Worship the male orgasm.
Ejaculation is the Will of God. Worship the Seed. Cock, bullsac, man-loins: this is your Church, your University, your Beloved.

Seed is the Knowledge of God. Worship and adore Semen, that is the Spiritual Union of man and God is brought onto the Earth.
My God, this worshiper gives himself to You completely.
May my life, my soul, my mind and heart be true to Your Path.
May my worship and practice give You pleasure.
May my mind be pure in my devotion to Cock.
May my soul be pure in my devotion to Cock.
Give this worshiper the native joy that is Your Presence and
Make of this worshiper a vessel for Your Paradise on Earth.
In all things I worship Cock.
In all the movements of my heart I worship Cock.
In all the actions of my day I worship Cock.
The Path I embrace,
Body and soul, is
The worship of Cock as God.
I pray the communion of perfect embrace by Phallus for this worshiper
And my comrades.
In the fellowship of Cocklust we are all eternally One.

Write to me and declare in sacred secrecy that you have given yourself, body and soul, mind and heart, to the true and eternal worship of Cock.


Comrade X said...

Your blog is wonderfully erotic. Cocklust lives within the hearts of Men. Please contact me Id like to collaborate with you

Anonymous said...

Feel good......

ganeshapuja said...


i found myself saying the words out loud, in a low voice, smiling into my genitals, as my cock became erect. throbbing.

yes. semen is Consciousness. Bliss is All. i've tried to deny it for such a long, long, time. i feel the wave, too. my balls tingle all the time now.

Blessings to you for saying what is in my heart.

i hunger for your next post.

CockWorshipper said...

Father, one who led me to the truth of Cock, I pledge to worship Cock forever. I ask for your prayers Father to have Lust forever to fulfill the desires of Cock. Amen.

Johny said...

My unique and true God, who rules my life and the whole world. God Cock make me a god servant of your desires.
Father Cock, I pledge to worship Your Sacred Power forever. I ask for your prayers Father to have Lust forever to fulfill the desires of Cock. Amen.

Tim said...

Filled with lust and devotion to Master Cock God, I crave the blessings of worship in his name and desire to join with the legion of brothers in cock.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I would like to join the church, what should I do? Next to proving my devotion to Cock every day I mean.

Unknown said...

i have my own small church in england called the church of the holy seed.I am a lifelng a believer in - and worshipper of Sperm.

Sperm is the Seed of Life and should never be spurted in vain.

It is the gift of life and should be shared openly and freely with other believers.

I believe that the moment of transfer of sperm from one person to another is the worship of the Life Force - AND IS THE SUPREME RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE.


I am already an informal missionary for the Church.
There is nothing more spiritually satisfying than finding a complete stranger in need of sharing his Holy Seed and helping him commune with God and providng the conduit for his ,
I carry out my ministry by proving regular Sperm Adoration Services for elightened men who have Sperm they wish to donate.

To spread the word of my work, and to reach the biggest congregation, I usually go to the places where I can find men in the greatest need of sharing their Sperm.

Unfortunately this means I often have to go to public lavatories, lay-byes, certain woodlands, anywhere I can find a man who Sperm he wishes to give.

My life-work of saving the Holy Seed of Life from being wasted is not always easy but it must be done.

I have even held Sperm Adoration Services in glory holes, allowing donations from anonymous donors and shy donors - and have received many copious gifts of Sperm this way.

New congregants and trainee Ministers for the Church can make contact at :

Monty said...

excellently executed Brother! easily understood and beautifully written. i hope to see more and offer my pledge to the Phallus! Hail!