A doorframe glory hole is as follows. This one is easy to build, quick to take apart, sturdy and leaves very little evidence that you've been sucking dicks and draining balls or anything has been done to your door frame.
1. Get a 5/8 inch piece of plywood. Particle board breaks apart to easy over time and you want it to be thick enough that you won't have "play" when a guy presses against it. That "play" can allow the whole door to be pushed in by accident.
2. Measure your door frame to the inside of the door stop. The door stop is that piece of wood that makes your door stop when you close it. Carefully cut the plywood so that it fits inside of the door frame just like your door does.
3. Once the plywood fits into place, put a thin layer of duct tape or any sort of tape to buffer the gloryhole door so that it doesn't scratch the paint on your door frame.
4. After everything fits snuggly you will need to buy 4 to 6 Barrel bolts.
Take the barrel bolt (use a good long one) and mount it to the gloryhole wall on the top, the middle and the bottom on the left and right sides. Then mark where the bolt hits the door frame.
5. Next drill out holes in the frame the size of the bolts.
6. Now you can just open your door, put the glory hole wall in place and bolt it inside of the door frame. It can quickly be set up and just as quickly taken down. Then you can slide it under your bed or in your closet.
7. As for the hole itself. I used a CD to mark the hole. I simply stood the gloryhole wall up an measured it for my own cock. I've seen huge holes and seen small ones so the size is really up to you. When cutting the hole just do it like you would any hole. Drill about 4 holes using a decent size drill bit at North South East and West. Then use a jig saw to cut out the opening.
8. Be sure to sand all the edges real well and give it a few good coats of paint. You don't want to get splinters in your cock when you play at the hole.
And now you won't have to wait until summer to take that food-&-water ATV ride (whatever that is) up to the mid-coast of Maine from your New Hampshire state line. And that other guy up in Maine won't have wait for you either... not that I wouldn't be happy as hell living there even without gloryholes!!! But...hey...
"If you build it, they will come!"
Copyright © Private Glory Hole